Amazon reviews

“The story telling is fantastic, the dialogue is believable, and Rey's use of imagery and descriptions is absolutely stunning. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a fantasy setting, D&D, or loves a good read.”

Caleigha ★★★★★

“From someone who doesn’t read much books but loves world building and character development this book is it! I caught myself rooting for the characters and eager to read the next book it’s gotten me into reading again which is much appreciated”

— jason ★★★★★

“Could not put this book down when I read it! This book kept me on the edge of my seat (more like bed actually) for the entire ride. Quite possibly my new favorite book of all time. Has all the making of a proper fantasy book. Totally an enjoyable read! 10/10 would recommend.”

— Randy ★★★★★

“I love to read, but it's pretty rare I find a book that breaks the mold and offers something truly original. This book does just that, with a well-crafted plot that keeps you thoroughly engaged through each page. The characters are also well-developed, adding depth and a high level of relatability to the characters in the story. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know it is fiction. But it feels real.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating and refreshing reading experience. It's a rare gem that stands out from the crowd. Prepare for an amazing and riveting mystery adventure!”

— Benjamin Cherry ★★★★★

“I stole this book from my boyfriend and I'm glad I did 😆
It was such an engaging read! The characters are so memorable and fun! I love how quirky and eccentric everything is. If you love magic and mystery-type things, and unique world building I think you'll find this book enjoyable. The balance of lightheartedness and action is so satisfying. I'm just upset it ended so abruptly and during a tournament... 😭 I love tournament stories.”

— MeL ★★★★★

“This book has been one of the fastest I’ve ever read. It seemed as if every sentence propelled the story and this new world forward creating a wonderfully enjoyable, edge of my seat, yet easy smooth read. I’d pick it up and realize hours had passed. I just can’t remember the last time a book caught my attention like this, made me laugh out loud several times, had me reread sections just because I wanted to relive it again, and had me craving to force time in my busy schedule to read more. I would be thinking about the characters at work the next day eagerly waiting my lunch break to plow through more story. I was such a fan of the magic conflicts which is unusual for me because I’m not an action fan, but the way it was written was brilliantly detailed, completely entertaining, and held up to long bouts of eager anticipation. The unknown held my curiosity throughout and there’s still so many questions yet to be answered and explored. I can see this so clearly as a movie in my head. This should definitely be a series.”

— Franklynn Alexander ★★★★★

“Rey is a wonderful author. The world building is intense, and I feel like I'm there with the characters every step of the way.
The writing reminds me of Brandon Sanderson, like there are so many stories to tell and not enough pages!
I hope there are more books to come, I'm clearing space out on my bookshelf in preparation!”

— Leanne ★★★★★

“Step aside Harry Potter, there is a new magic underdog in town and his name is Gill. I really love the idea of magic vs technology this book gives. There is a little romance, a little conspiracy theory, and a lot of nail biting moments. I'm excited for the rest of the story, there better be more coming!”

— Monica k. Jones ★★★★★

“The depth of character development and backstory evolves seamlessly as the story progresses, drawing the reader deeper into its enchanting grasp. With each chapter, the narrative teases you, promising that you'll be back soon to read more. The story feels remarkably fresh, the characters incredibly relatable, and the pacing is absolutely spot-on.”

— j. Hirsch ★★★★★

“The very first chapter hooked me! I've been staying up late and getting up early to keep reading. Characters have character, story is interesting. Only good things to say.”

— Benjamin Nelson ★★★★★

“There are a lot of things here that I have never encountered before that make this book stand out to me; the use of magic and machinery I thought was going to be more steampunk than it turned out to be, and that was a pleasant surprise, making it something unique that I haven’t read. And the magic system itself is an interesting take that is more fleshed out than I feel most magic that I have read lately has been.”

— Syn ★★★★★